Can’t Sell Products Online? Try This!

Joeseph Beckmann
6 min readSep 9, 2021

Facebooks Ads are insanely powerful.

Most people simply create their ad, bring in the revenue generated and stop there.

Did you know you’re losing money by doing this?

In this article, I will show you how to go from throwing money away to literally raking it in like leaves in the fall.

If you are new here, my name is Joeseph. I am the CEO at Beckmann Marketing Company. I started my agency three years ago. At first I ran social media and was the ads manager for other companies. Now I teach those same businesses how they can do it themselves so they can save money in the long run by not having to always contract me out!

If you are struggling with your digital marketing, feel free to leave me an email and tell me how I can help!


What happens to those people who are interested in your product they saw on the ad but didn’t have time to take action?

Say you targeted an area of 1,000,000 people and the conversion for video views was 25% for a full thruplay (meaning they watched the entire video ad). That is 250,000 people who watched your entire video.

Now say 10% then clicked on whatever link you had whether it lead to a product or service signup. That means 25,000 people clicked the link in your ad.

Now let’s say 50% of those people purchased the product and the other 50% simply went to the checkout and closed the page.

This leads us marketers to wonder what happened to the 50% who didn’t buy?

That’s an extra 12,500 people who are potential customers.

This is what I’m talking about!

If you’re not implementing some form of retargeting strategy, you’re literally throwing money away!

The skilled marketers will put those 12,500 people into a group who are “potential customers”.

Maybe they had an important phone call in the middle of the checkout sequence then forgot to complete the purchase. Maybe they didn’t have their wallet on them to put in the credit card information.

A million reasons could have happened so we need to MAKE SURE they have every opportunity to complete that purchase.

Topics Covered In This Article (not in this order)

  1. The Right Sequence
  2. Running The Initial Ad
  3. Custom Audience
  4. Retargeting Ad
  5. Understanding Analytics

The Right Sequence

Hopefully you’re already a little familiar with the Facebook Ads platform.

First I am going to cover the general strategy for running a retargeting sequence.

When creating an ad, you will be presented with these options :

These are all the different types of ads we can run.

Our initial goal is to gain information about who is interested in our product. We will select “video views” for this.

Our objective is to gain views and retarget the people who watched at least 50%.

It’s actually a lot easier than it seems and I’ll walk you through the process.

Step by Step Guide To Creating This Ad Type

Step 1

Create the video views ad by selecting that campaign type. Scroll down and name the campaign something relevant to the product or service you’re pushing.

Step 2

Follow the instructions of setting up the ad starting with your daily budget of around $10.

Keep in mind that you should ALWAYS have multiple creatives with the same content.

This means if you are running an ad with the video about introducing your business, create 3–5 videos with the same topic but at different tones, locations, outfits, editing styles…

You will notice the clear winner when Facebook starts pushing one of those videos out to more people like this :

These 5 videos were about the exact same topic so why are the numbers all different and why is one ad outperforming the others even though it has the same budget and placement?

Facebook’s AI is insanely intelligent. It will show you the clear winner and what ad to push out. You also want to look at the “cost per thruplay”.

That is the price it costs for one person to watch the entire video.

The more relevant the video is to the viewer, the cheaper the cost is going to be. This is another number we look at when deciding the winner.

So in this case, I’ll pick the video with the reach of nearly 10k and a cost per thruplay of $0.10 to push to the larger audience because Facebook made it very clear that’s the most relevant ad for the audience.

If you need further explanation, send me an email!

Step 3

Run a call to action retargeting the people who viewed 50% of your video.

Retargeting is extremely easy.

First go to your Facebook Business Account.

Click on “all tools” then scroll down to “audiences”.

Then create a custom audience.

Then select “video” for the source.

Make sure you select the 50% option.

Choose the videos you want to import the audience from.


You have now successfully created your custom audience!

The next step is running the call to action ad with this being your targeted audience!

Retargeting Campaign

So the next step is creating your retargeting ad and seeing the money come in!

Now when you create an ad, select “conversions”.

This tells Facebook to target the people most likely to buy your product after engaging with your content!

Then when selecting your demographics and locations, you can insert your custom audience.

It’s really not that complicated but at first it can be daunting.

Don’t forget to split test your ads for the call to action to make sure you have a winning ad!

If you found this helpful, let me know!

Also if you have any questions or need this explained further, send me an email!



Joeseph Beckmann

Business Owner • Creator • Manifester 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌